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Rock Solid Bred Heifer Sale

Monday, Dec. 11th at 2:00pm @ Bircham Ranch









Selling 31 Red Angus Heifers

Bred to Red Angus Bulls

Heifers were exposed from June 13 to July 23

 These heifers received Vison 7 and Express 5 at branding and weaning. This fall they were given Express 3VL5, Scour Bos 4, Tasvax 8 and Ivomec.

If you have any other questions phone Ian at 1-306-295-4040.


2023 Heifers


   The bred heifers are bred to the following red angus bulls


Sons of Red Moose Creek Macoun 13E

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Sons of Red U2 Show Down 67G

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